Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Morning Weigh In

Today was my 9th Monday morning weekly weigh in. All I can say is that I am on a solid roll right now with another 4 pound loss this week! 6 0f my 9 weigh ins have been 4 pound losses, the other 3 weigh ins were an 8, a 5, and a 2.

In 9 weeks I've lost 39 pounds and I'm 9 for 9 in achieving my goal of at least a 2-3 pounds loss per week.

This week felt routine. Nutrition was excellent and exercise was somewhere between good and great. I had a couple of late nights this week because of work and it effected my workout schedule a bit but it obviously didn't hurt me. Nothing to Grouch about here!



  1. Looks like 4 is the magic number. Another great loss, MM. You are doing awesome...keep it up, bro!

  2. Yes, well done Marcus. Amazing. Keep up the hard work!

  3. Woohoo! Great loss! Excellent nutrition, good-great exercise - you're working it! Here's to another great week. :)

  4. Wow, Eminem! Thank you so much for all the info. That's exactly what I was looking for! I was going to e-mail you with some additional questions, but I can't seem to find an e-mail listed in your profile or on your blog. You're welcome to e-mail me at christi dot patterson at gmail dot com. I would really appreciate it!

  5. Such an inspiration again! I think you definitely earn those 4 lbs hands down each week... you sure do work hard and are so dedicated! :) Thanks for being such an inspiration :)

  6. Great news. You are in a groove! Good of you to keep the momentum going despite late nights at work. That challenge keeps poking up in my world and it can throw your eating plans for a loop.

  7. WOW Marcus!! You are really smokin'!! I'm truly impressed with your dedication and perseverance. You just KEEP cranking out those fantastic losses and I know that feels fabulous!!! Very, very proud of you babe! :)
